Where Would You Like To Start Your Personal Development?

Mastering Feedback
Learn how to give and receive feedback without guilt or feeling like the "bad guy".

Decoding Delegation
Get the step by step process used by high functioning leaders to delegate well.

Master Action Plan
Trash your vague goals and instead learn how to effectively plan and execute everything.
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Unlock the power of calm and clarity with Controlling the Controllable workshop
This invaluable guide offers practical strategies to manage what's within your control, helping you eliminate unnecessary stress from your life. Don't let stress rule your life - take charge.
Level Up Your Leadership Skills
Our comprehensive blog has everything you need to better understand yourself and how to grow for the future.
My Story:
From Doing to Leading
Hi there! I'm Luke Crane, a Leadership and Business Coach by profession. But wait, there's more to me than just that title. I'm also an accomplished author, speaker, and trainer. I've penned down two books - "Trail to Leadership" and "Leadership for Little Humans" - both of which have helped countless individuals enhance their leadership skills.
Over the years, I've had the privilege of coaching CEOs, VPs, Managers, and budding entrepreneurs on how to grow not just their businesses, but also themselves. Seeing them transform and reach new heights of success is what fuels my passion.
When I'm not helping others unlock their potential, you'll find me outdoors, camping with my family. There's nothing like the tranquility of nature to refresh your mind and spark new ideas.
In a nutshell, I'm just a guy who loves helping others change their perspective and elevate their leadership game while enjoying the great outdoors.

But to be honest... it hasn't always been that way.
Fresh out of college, I enthusiastically stepped into the workforce. I found myself in various roles - from non-profit work to technology training - and in each of these roles, I was a doer. I was the one in the trenches, making things happen, driving projects forward. But with each job, a sense of disenchantment started to creep in.
I found myself increasingly frustrated with the people leading me. Something was off, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. Was it their management style, their communication, or their vision? I struggled to understand what was fueling my dissatisfaction.
Then, one day, it clicked.
The problem wasn't just with them; it was also with me. I realized that merely being frustrated with others' leadership styles wasn't productive. If I wanted things to change, I needed to be part of the solution.
That's when everything fell into place. I shifted my focus from being a doer to becoming a leader. It was a challenging transition, filled with learning and growth, but it was also incredibly rewarding. I started to see how my influence could inspire and motivate others, how my vision could guide our collective efforts, and how my actions could foster a positive work environment.
Today, my work is dedicated to helping others develop their skills. Whether someone is just interested in improving or they're in a position where it is necessary, I'm committed to guiding them on their journey. I'm no longer just a doer in life; I'm a leader who helps others grow.
And you know what? There's nothing more fulfilling than that.
Is It Time For It To "Click" For You?
If so, you're in the right place. I've helped thousands of people level up their game and you could be next!
I've created a FREE workshop just for you to help with one of the most prevalent problems in people's lives... stress!
In this FREE workshop, you'll learn:
- How to identify controllable and uncontrollable factors in your life.
- Tips for prioritizing goals, developing healthy habits, and embracing self-reflection.
- Practical strategies to manage good stress and reduce bad stress.
- Direct your energy toward the things you have power over.
If you have 10 minutes a day, you can do this simple exercise to develop your skills today.