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Take Control of Your Day: The Only Tip You Need To Be Productive

Jun 20, 2023

Do you feel like there's not enough time in the day? You are absolutely right, we all have only 24 hours per day. But, what if you took back control of your day and used those hours to work smarter and do more? You can be one of the winners in life by becoming more productive with your time and making sure that each hour is used to its fullest potential!

Here’s the most powerful productivity tip you’ll ever read:


If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first. - Mark Twain


It sounds so simple... right?




1. You consistently get the most important things done.

Of course, if you do the most important thing first each day, you consistently get the most important thing done. How many people can say that? Everyone else is avoiding the most important thing, because it’s often the least pleasant.

You don’t have a lot of competition when you’re willing to do the tough things. You’ll leave everyone in the dust.

2. Only a few things really matter.

No matter what you’re trying to accomplish, most of the things you could be doing don’t matter a whole lot. When you do the most important thing first, you’re sticking with what matters and avoiding what doesn’t.

3. Willpower is at a maximum earlier in the day.

Your ability to do challenging things is greatest in the morning. You’re fresh and your willpower is at its highest level of the day. Everything you do saps a little of your willpower, so do the most important thing first.

Leave the easier tasks for later in the day. You’ll need less willpower to complete those easy things, so save them for those times you have less willpower to spare.

4. Your focus and energy are greatest earlier in the day.

After you’ve been up for an hour or two, that’s about as good as it’s going to get. Do you know anyone whose focus and energy are best at 2:30 in the afternoon?

Do your most important work when you’re at your best. Each task you perform takes a little out of your resources. Avoid putting off your important tasks.

5. Focusing on the most important task become a habit that can be used in every part of your life.

This is a powerful habit to create. Imagine how much you would accomplish over the next year if you spend the first part of your day doing the most important thing.

Contrast that to how you live your life right now. It’s easy to visualize the positive change this shift would have on your life.

6. You can enjoy the remainder of your day.

When you get the most important work done early in the day, you’ll have more time left to enjoy your life. When you spend your time on things that don’t matter a lot, you have to spend more of it to make any progress. That leaves you with less time to enjoy the things that make life great.


Getting the most important thing completed each and every day is one of the best ways to guarantee your success. Begin building this important habit. It will take your life to a new level of accomplishment. You’ll be amazed at how much more you can get done when you focus on what matters most. What could you accomplish if you began each day with a laser-focus on your most important task? Get out there and find out!


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